Claire Robertson, Mother of two and former Woolworth's employee has reopened the Dorchester store, reemploying all her 20 former Woolies staff to mass hysteria. The store Wellworths is almost identical to Woolies with pick n mix sweets but has axed CD's, DVD's and children's clothing in favour of a gardening and pets section. It seems that Claire has real entrepreneurial blood and sensing the public grief to the loss of woolies she has met a real need. She has also learnt some lessons from the past and has axed those things which may actually had a sell by date (CD's and DVD's). She is also keen to give the store more of a local and personal feel, which is no small thing for a so called high street chain, but I guess that is the wonder of Wellies! Other Woolies stores have also approached her about re opening and Wellworths could well become the blue print for other vacant stores across Britain.
I am sure there are a lot of needs in British life which the church once met but now has retreated from. I wonder if there might be spiritual/social entrepreneurs out their willing to act in the same way as Claire Robertson. ( Check out Mark Berry's safe space Sanktuary) I guess the high street is a good place to start!