I am doing an online course with Bethlehem Bible College this year. It will consist of a fall and winter semester and then an in person two week course in May. Below I have pasted my intro of myself.
My name is David. I am married to Irfana and have two children Zara 17 and Zane 14. I am currently working for International Justice Mission Canada as our head of Development and I am really pleased to be able to go deeper into issues of Peace and Reconciliation
especially in the Palestine/Israel context. In 2003 I was working for the Church Mission Society in England and took part in a desert encounter with Musalaha in Sinai. It was an experience I will never forget and opened my eyes up into the struggles of the Palestinian people, but also the power as Christians of working together in an extreme environment where we grew closer together through the experience without the need of heavy conversation or solving any great issues. I am looking forward to learning more and applying some of what I learn to my context here in Canada among indigenous people and to my work context as well where reconciliation and Justice sometimes do meet.
Watch this space for updates on the course, my learnings and my challenges!!