Yesterday my brother and I visited Denville Hall for their Christmas party. Denville
is an care home for retired actors. It was a great event that brought everyone together both the residents and their families. The evening started with a mulled wine reception. Dan and I went to get our Mum from her room to bring her down for the booked entertainment Franz Hepburn a renowned Opera singer. We went down stairs led by his amazingly deep bass-baritone voice and seated Marg right at the front. This meant she got a lot of the serenading as he sang musical classics like "Old Man River" from Show Boat and "The Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera. After some very tasty food and visit to see the widest Christams tree I have ever seen inside a property, we made our way back upstairs. It was that difficult time of the evening where we have to say goodbye to our Mum but it was eased by listening to a recital of her lastest poem for Advent. You can find it here