Urban Mission has been running in south London and brings young people together to look at their mission in the urban context. The weekend is headed up by Pastor Les Isaac and Youth leaders from the churches involved. This year they ran the weekend at Chatswoth Baptist Church in West Norwood and it brought together both young people and Youth leaders from 7 different churches across south London. Irfana was there representing HTC Clapham. Small groups, a number of speakers, games and some outreach washing people's cars and gardening on Saturday afternoon may not seem much, but it had a big impact on some of the young people. On Sunday they led the entire service, from the worship band to the prayers and even the preacher - a young 17 year old from St Marks Kennington. But what I really liked was the fact that Pastor Les Issac (Founder of Street Pastors) then got up and preached to the adults. It wasn't undermining the younger preacher at all but rather making the point that the young people are best situated to apply the bible to their context just as the older preacher is to his. The young guy, also Isaac, challenged the young people to be salt and light in their world, While Les challenged the older generation to be family to young people and reach out to them with encouragement and friendship. I think I gpt fed by both as I sit somewhere in the middle :)
Great site, I will be back. Well done
Posted by: Power Home Solar Review | January 26, 2010 at 11:42 PM