On Sunday I found myself in north London attending a Jewish community festival; called . A big yellow house in Willesdon Green turned itself over to a theatre and concert space. In the big garden a main stage was erected and local bandsplayed throughout the day. The whole of the downstairs was converted into a Morrocan tea tent with other rooms being used for Poetry recitals and theatre. I had got together with Joel Stanley, a buddy from my Applied Drama
MA, who belongs to this community house. We wanted todo a site specific drama using his bedroom. It had a great alcove and a step ladder into the attic. The idea of lost dreams came to us out of many others. Joel spoke about his own lost dreams for 10 minutes or so and I wrote down everything he said. This then made up the basis of our script. Joel played my sub-conscious and we wrestled with the idea of being able to earth our dreams. I wake up from a night mare to find Joel sitting in the alcove answering my thoughts and words. The duologue ensues that brings me to my senses that I can really earth my dreams. All this seemed a bit prophetic with all the drama happening at CMS at the moment. All in all it was a great way to celebrate being a community and reach out to the locality around.
This sounds unbelievably fascinating. Prophetic psychodrama.
It sounds like you should be commissioned to do this witha few more people in CMS
It could be very revealing
I liked the jacob's ladder reference to Attic - 'Strairway to heaven' and all that
Posted by: Phil | July 17, 2009 at 04:38 PM