Since arriving back from Manila last week I have had more than a few moments of reverse culture shock. The first was receiving yet another Lambeth parking ticket for no apparent reason. AAaaaahg! However they have not all been negative. I attended the funeral of my Auntie Edna in Doncaster, which was really a celebration of her life and her faith. Also a good chance to meet and see family I hadn't met or seen for a long time. Over the weekend Holy Trinity Church in Clapham had a kind of Harvest Weekend away (except we stayed in Clapham) The highlights of this was a good old barn dance in the evening, where Irfana took to the "up to the middle with a Cowboy yell" like a duck to water. (see pic top left) And on Sunday morning a number of young people performed an extract from our Greenbelt CMS 3D performance in the service. With two girls in particular Witt and Patricia stealing the show dressed as plastic bags. Check out more pics on Flickr. I definitely feel I am now back home.
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