Perhaps one of the highlights of our time in Sierra leone was being shown around King Jimmy's Market in Freetown. It is situated on one of the best natural harbors in western Africa and hence the reason why it led to the city’s founding as a refuge for freed slaves in 1787. Now it is a functioning market but also situated in a very deprived part of town. Anita, Mike and Myself were taken on an inpromptu tour by a few of the traders from another market nearby. Mike bravely snapped the pictures and you can see them on my flickr Otherwise check out this video, which gives a tour around the market with some of the history by local commentators. Also see all our pics of the Free For All project and our time in Sierra leone. Here is a picture of Nash one of our guides. As we travelled through the area we picked up more and more guides along the way, but we kept close to our trusted market guides.
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