Tomorrow we head to Toronto from Winnipeg and then back to England. After four days in Niagra falls, we spent just over a week in Winnipeg with family. We decided to get a hire car to be able to roam around and with 4 children between our family and Azhar's we needed a bit of flexibility. Irfana took this picture of the sky on the way to Thunder Bay , It was taken from the car not a
plane! We had a action packed four days with Irfana's Uncles and Cousin's in Thunder Bay and with a new PS3 to keep us amused into the early hours I was in my element. It was also great to spend time and eat great Pakistani food with family there. On Sunday we drove 8 hours back to Winnipeg and started to think about the prospect of returning home. We get back on Thursday morning and then we are off to Greenbelt on Friday to perform Free For All. I will upload pictures to flikr when I get back.