Today we finally built up the courage to take Zara to Claire's to get her ears pierced. We carefully chose the ear ring for her, a yellow Gold one, and waited on a seat in the corner. The piercer explained what she would do and asked Irfana or I to hold Zara. I volunteered and Irfana held her feet. Zara sensed something was odd as we are never normally
that interested in her ears, but before you knew it, the job was done. Like the thunder that follows the lightning Zara did cry and I think the piercer (who does this job every day) was moved by Zara's doughy eyes. Yes she cried but within minutes she was fine and reaching for a toy monkey thrust at her by a passerby. Zara was always a pretty little girl, but now she is a pretty little girl with jewelry. A picture of her in all her splendour will follow.