This morning I woke up and set off for our Free For All performance at Westminster Abbey and was surprised by snow. What else would I be surprised by today I thought! Today was our final run through and performance in the evening. For onlookers it may appear a bit chaotic but that is the nature of rehearsal and in some ways it is a privilage for people to see all the insecurities and struggles we go through to put a peformance on. All the children were of course very excited and it takes a lot of energy on our behalf just to keep them calm and focused. We were pleased that a good audience turned out, I guess about 200/250. A lot of west end theatres would settle for that... It was our first big performance and there are definately things that need to be ironed out. Perhaps the biggest
challenge will be the amplification, which we wrestled with throughout. I think the staging too will be better when it is in the round so the audience are closer to the action. We take all these things to our next perormance in Chelmsford in a few weeks to hopefully improve upon. Inspite of these challenges the evening and performance went well and as always the children performed brilliantly. Pictures will be appearing on the CMS flikr website in the next few days.