In the last two days the youth and children’s team have visited both Portsmouth cathedral and The Anglican cathedral in Liverpool. Both will be excellent performance spaces for our Free for all 2007 project, and we have provisionally booked a week in both for 2007. In Portsmouth we met with the education officer for the cathedral and the Dean and enjoyed a lunch in the Naval club near by. In Liverpool we were shown around by the Dean, Toby Foreword and we were blown away by the sheer size of the cathedral and the possibilities for using the space. There is a bridge across the centre, which could make an amazing boat and we have been promised a whole number of sails for free, which at the moment are hanging above the coffee shop. In the afternoon we had a meeting with Hope University about co writing resources for the school curriculum relating to the project and there is also the possibility to involve students from their performing arts faculty in the project. I personally have a connection to Hope university, as in my days studying at St Mary's College in London we had a special link with Nottradam college in Liverpool, which included working at Wimbledon together and playing football against one another. This is one of the colleges that have amalgamated to become part of Hope.
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Sails on Ships
Sales after Christmas!
Posted by: anon | November 26, 2005 at 12:09 PM