Went to Twyford school on Wednesday to help out run an interactive creation installation for CMS. I was a bit worried everyone would think I was my brother, as Dan used to teach there and my fears were realised as the head of RE had done her TP in Dan's school in Lampton, so I had to explain that one. The day went very well and 6th formers went round the installation in classes. Each station represented a day of creation and there were things to read and do relating to the story. Everyone went round with head phones, which provided some ambient music and commentary. Perhaps the highlight of the day was when some muslim boys came to pray at lunch time. They respectfully moved back some of the furniture, prayed and then went around the installation themselves. All the feed back of the day was very positive and next year there is talk about doing the Holy Ground installation, which Paul Hobbs ran at Greenbelt this year. I will be at Youthwork the conference this weekend with Paul Hobbs and CMS, where Holy Ground will be run so I'll get some pictures of it in action.
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