Last week Scene Change Theatre finished the Spring term at Bristol Cathedral working with 70 children from local schools. Amie Buhari and David Pollendine led the children through a voice and movement warm up to give the children a crash course in "theatre" before they joined the Scene Change Theatre team to rehearse the workshop scenes. The aim of the King's Quest day is to educate the children about the history of how the KJV came about but we alsopose the question so what? What difference does it make my life? By lunch time we have scratched the itch of this question in our rehearsal and we pose the question to the children again. One area we focus on is the impact the KJV had on Victorian England and especially social reformers. One such reformer was Dr Banardo who at his death in 1867 had over 90 ragged schools set up. How does this impact on us today? Today there are over 390 Banardo projects across the UK. In fact I a personal link to this story as my Grandmother was raised in a Dr Banardos' home in Cullacoats bay, Newcastle. At 2pm the children put on their costumes and put on a very good performance. We now have a rest after a very successful first term and we look forward to our next venue at Southwell Minster on May 24th and 25th.