"What an amazing day! A great fusion of Christianity, history, language, music, to aid understanding of the anniversary of the King James Bible." Teacher, Ipsley C. E. Middle School.
On Wednesday 2nd February Scene Change Theatre's King's Quest Project opened at Worcester Cathedral. We worked with 40 year 8 children from Ipsley C. E. Middle School from Redditch. In the warm up we introduced some of the themes of the day such as getting the children to call out "Get your Jellied Eel!", a common food on the streets of London in the 17th Century. Our play starts with 4 naughty children who skip their homework. As a punishment they have been sent to the library to find a book to read from cover to cover and report back on. As they start to rearrange the library books they hear a Psst! Over here! To their amazement a book is talking to them and wants them to pull it off the shelf. As they pull the book off the shelf an old man also comes with the book and encourages them to read it. The play follows some of the discoveries they make in reading the book and culminates in discoveries they actually end up making about themselves. Today's group of 4 children will be a tough act to follow as they all performed really well and in the big open space of the cathedral had no problems projecting their voices. All the children put on a polished final performance and it was a great start to our tour! A big thanks to Sue Adeney the cathedral's Education officer who hosted us and made it possible for us to open in Worcester. Pictures of the day will follow.