Today Amie and Dave worked with 60 pupils from Boxgrove school looking at the challenge we all face to tackle climate change. The children engaged very well with the subject and showed a lot of knowledge and awareness around the theme. When I asked for a hand show to see who recycled nearly everyone put up their hand.
Perhaps the moment that stole the day for me was the scene where we recreate a Museum of endangered and extinct animals. As the Arbitrator (Amie) takes a non enthusiastic and wasteful gang around the exhibits of the museum, they meet a Californian Condor, an Indian Cobra and some Salt Water Crocodiles. We watch the crocodiles lying motionless while some facts about their plight are read out. Then Elton John's Crocodile rock starts playing and the Crocs start to dance. However these crocs had worked out a whole dance routine, with a bit of Busby Barltey style shapes and movement. I managed to get my camera out and "snap" a part of it (excuse the pun). This and more pictures of what we got up to are here.